Is it mere coincidence that Mother’s Day and the academic end-of-year exam time table align in May? Or, is that a plan to measure the grist to our maternal mill?
I look forward to enjoying breakfast in bed, and a card so dense with graphics, it takes me all day to read the loving sentiments. But I’ve been nagging since the end of March Break. Easter was no picnic.
Time draws close, and I reflect on my nurturing techniques. By May, the roses I envision are a bramble of impenetrable thorns.
Alas, the day arrives. The card is even better than the year before. The art plunges the depths of my heart, and the words bring tears to my eyes. It’s then I vow to remember from this Mother’s Day forward that my exams are every day of the year, and on Mother’s Day, my report card is written in respect, understanding, patience, love, and trust.
Until we chat again . . . Let There Be Romance.
Truly yours,
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